

Now is the Time to Book Your European Driven Shoot for the 2023/2024 Season!

Estates are opening their calendars now for private lines for the 2023-24 season

The 2022-23 European driven bird season has recently been completed.  From driven grouse, partridge, and pheasant in the United Kingdom to mallards and pheasant in Denmark to a great mixed bag shoot in Burgundy, France to the finest driven red-legged partridge in Spain, we had an exceptional season.  The reports were outstanding from several private lines and individual guns we booked.  Most groups are returning!
The lore, tradition, history, and excitement of driven shooting is not easily replicated anywhere in the world other than Europe.  We represent the finest estates and align our clients with the very best shooting opportunities in the U.K., Denmark, France, and Spain.  The estates are starting to open their calendars now for private lines for the 2023/2024 season.  If you have 6-10 guns, now is the time to book.  Here is some excellent two-day shoot availability for the season ahead:

  • Venstosilla, Spain – Near Toledo west of Madrid, the magnificent palace dates back to the 15th Century and has thousands of acres for shooting with over 60 drives.  Price: $12,463 per gun based on 600 birds per day to a line of 8 guns.
    • September 21 & 22
    • September 26 & 27
    • October 21 & 22
    • November 2 & 3
    • December 4 & 5
    • December 9&10
    • January 28 & 29
    • February 15 & 16
  • Los Melonares, Spain – Near Seville in the south of Spain, this family-owned estate provides an exceptional personalized shooting experience.  Price: $9974 per gun based on 500 birds per day to a line of 8-guns.
    • November 28 & 29
    • December 4 & 5
    • December 14 & 15
  • Chateau de Villette, France -- Noted for noble wines and excellent cuisine, France also offers challenging driven shooting for pheasant, partridge, and mallards from this lovely estate.  Price: $9115 per gun based on 250 birds per day to a line of 8-guns.
    • September 16 & 17
    • December 16 & 17
    • January 6 & 6
    • January 27 & 28.
  • Shoots in the United Kingdom and Denmark: dates and rates will be quoted on request.

Note: 2-day shoots include meals, accommodations, and open bar for the gun and a non-shooting companion, plus cartridges and field services, licenses and taxes. 
For individual guns or smaller parties, we have a number of open line shoots that our clients can book.  Those dates will follow soon. Please contact Mike Fitzgerald for additional information.

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