Brown trout were introduced to the waters of Tierra Del Fuego from rivers in Europe, where they experienced intense conditions and a harsh environment. These fish endured and became some of the largest trout in the world in the most densely populated river. That is what the fuss is about. The population of this river and the water access on two private Estancias equates to statistically the premier opportunity for anadromous focused anglers to achieve a personal best using their chosen method – swinging flies with double- or single-handed rods. There in lies the “fuss”.
The story of how these fish arrived and adapted in Argentina is fascinating, and its essential for every traveling angler to know the tale. You can learn more about these fish here: The Fishing Wonder of the World: Sea Run Brown Trout in Patagonia
Villa Maria Lodge is the closest lodge to the sea on the famous Rio Grande for giant sea-run brown trout. Situated on the Estancia José Menéndez, where the river broadens and pools become long slicks of "trouty" holding water, Villa Maria offers you the first shot at fish entering the system fresh from the sea. You will encounter bright sea-runs on strictly controlled estancia water. Villa Maria offers six bedrooms and bathrooms for just six guests weekly, including single rooms and shared guides as standard. There is 4 rods available at Villa Maria for the week of February 14-21, 2025. Reach out to Hank Ingram to learn more. All you need to do is plan to go fishing, Frontiers will do the rest.
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